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Giving DC Its Flowers

Giving DC Its Flowers

Luke Gannon

April 18, 2024

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Cleanup on Aisle 1990

Cleanup on Aisle 1990

Communities nationwide proactively address food security by opening grocery stores that adopt innovative ownership, access, and governance approaches.... READ MORE

In the New York Times: The Real Reason Your Groceries Are Getting So Expensive

In the New York Times: The Real Reason Your Groceries Are Getting So Expensive

As big retailers exploit their financial control over suppliers, independent grocers face extinction, creating food deserts and driving up prices for everyone. In the New York Times, Stacy Mitchell ca... READ MORE

WATCH: Fixing the Food Gap

WATCH: Fixing the Food Gap

This virtual event featured Federal Trade Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya alongside community leaders, independent grocers, and advocates—to examine the ways dominant retailers exert their power, how commu... READ MORE

Boxed Out: How Big Retailers are Flexing Their Supply Chain Power to Kill Off Small Businesses

Boxed Out: How Big Retailers are Flexing Their Supply Chain Power to Kill Off Small Businesses

Powerful retailers are killing off small businesses by dominating supply chains. Our new report argues it’s time to revive the Robinson-Patman Act and restore antitrust enforcement against predatory b... READ MORE